• 21 January 2019, Monday
  • Doha, Qatar, Doha, Aspire Academy


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ООО "Национальный спортивный телеканал"
2236 дней назад
21 January 2019 c 20:00 до 22:00
Qatar, Doha, Aspire Academy

The tournament will be held from January 21 till January 29 in Doha, Qatar among 4 Russian Premier League clubs — Zenit, Spartak, Lokomotiv and Rostov.

Match TV presents a new club football competition — the MATCH PREMIER CUP

THE MATCH PREMIER CUP is considered to become one of the major events in Russian football this winter and will get high profile media coverage by Match TV and MATCH PREMIER TV, matchtv.ru and sportbox.ru websites, their accounts in social media and international press. The tournament will be organized in cooperation with Russian Premier League.

Each team will have a great opportunity not only to play with strong competitors but also to fight for a $200, 000 prize.

Doha is a great destination for European clubs during midseason breaks thanks to its’ modern and high tech infrastructure and comfortable weather — it doesn’t get more than +25C during winter season.

The list of teams that have made use of Aspire Academy’s finest facilities includes Manchester United, Bayern Munich, Paris St. Germain, Barcelona, Zenith and other European top football clubs.


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